Thank You For Contacting International Education

Servicing the Education industry in Shenzhen China since 2002.
Give us a general description or additional information regarding your personal needs or requirement.

Attach your documentation here- if you don't provide the information we require, we most likely won't reply

Being that we work in a country that requires visas, the proper information must be proved...
Resume (CV) Required- be sure that your resume has your up-to-date contact information on it
We require this as it determines if the government will accept an application to work.
University degrees will need to be notorized and authorized to work in China
Photo should either be a head shot photo or a photo were you are the only person in the photo (no group pictures)
If neither of the above is available, there are plenty of TESOL certificates course available, including a program through the Chinese government.
If you have been in China for 2 years and legally working with the correct visa, a criminal background may not be required.

Additional Information for Non-Native Applicants

Each city has their own visa requirements, especially for tier one cities (maximum size 32MB)
Maximum video size is 32 MB

Notice to Applicants

Your information is stored in our files and database. We try sending replies to everyone, whether or not the applicant is eligible to work, provided all the documentation has been attached. The information sent is secure and confidential and we don't require to see your original documentation until the day you are accepted for an interview. At that time, you will be required to show all documentation to the HR department for copying, and you will require the original documentation when your work permit and visa are being submitted to the government.