Since the end of March, Shanghai has been in lockdown with no current end date. Deadlines have come and gone and yet residential, business, office and government compounds all remain closed as the zero tolerance policy towards COVID continues. Transport hubs are operating on a minimal schedule with no international airport arrivals, which means anyone wanting to enter China cannot come directly into SH. Further to this, the general policy, regardless of the situation in SH, has been for any foreigner only being accepted into China if they have a residential permit, or a very difficult to obtain PU letter, together with documented vaccinations and quarantine preparations. To this end, other cities are also going through periods of restrictions, if not actual lockdowns.

Now we are hearing of embassies and consulates around the world being closed for a lengthy period yet, as they continue to follow the official mainland policy. We hope that this situation will not last much longer as everyone wishes to return to work and continue to enjoy their time in China, and especially Shanghai.

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